Hartt Student Life
Adjusting to college life can be tough. That’s why at the Center for Student Success helps you seamlessly transition into your first year. Whether you need guidance academically or personally, the Center offers one-on-one tutoring and support in study skills, mental health and wellness. Learn more about the Center for Student Success.
As a Hartt student, you get an intensive performing arts education, but you also have the opportunity to gain so much more during your time here. There are nearly 100 clubs and organizations, Division I sports events, guest lectures, and gallery shows, just to name a few. So come and embrace life at the University of Hartford!
Adjusting to college life can be tough. That’s why at the Center for Student Success helps you seamlessly transition into your first year. Whether you need guidance academically or personally, the Center offers one-on-one tutoring and support in study skills, mental health and wellness. Learn more about the Center for Student Success.
We Stand together with a common vision
Our campus is designed so that individuals with diverse interests and passions can find their stories alongside one another. So whether we’re at work or play, we commit to finding out commonalities, constantly inspired by the distinctive friendships we uncover.
We offer numerous resources for students including the Center for Student Success, Career Services, Study Abroad and the International Services, and the Center for Community Service.
Student Organizations
As part of their course requirements, music education majors are expected to maintain membership in the Hartt chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), Student Chapter 227, the national professional association of music educators. Elected student officers, along with the membership, plan an agenda of activities designed to provide hands-on experience in the planning and execution of events that will play an important part in their future as music educators. Activities typically include a weekend professional conference with invited guest clinicians jointly sponsored by Hartt and NAfME chapters.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is a national music fraternity for men. Membership is open to all men who have a sincere love of music and brotherhood. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia was founded in 1898 at the New England Conservatory of Music, when a group of 13 young men, under the guidance of Ossian Everett Mills, “met to consider the social life of the young men students of that institution” and to “devise ways and means by which it might be improved.” Sinfonia became a national fraternity in 1900 with the admission of another group of men into the group at the Broad Street Conservatory in Philadelphia. Since that time, Sinfonia has grown into the largest music fraternity in the world, with more than 140,000 brothers and sisters, and chapters on more than 200 college and university campuses across the nation. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia has a history at The Hartt School dating back to 1955. The Zeta Omega chapter of Sinfonia was founded in 1955 at the Hartt College of Music.
Pi Kappa Lambda was organized in 1918 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Epsilon Gamma Chapter was installed at The Hartt School in 1981. Currently, there are over 155 active chapters. The primary objective of Pi Kappa Lambda is the recognition and encouragement of the highest level of music achievement and academic scholarship. Consideration for membership is based on the recommendation of the Faculty Committee.
Membership eligibility:
- Any junior considered by the Faculty Committee to be outstanding in scholarship and musicianship, provided the student has been in residence the equivalent of at least four semesters and ranks not lower than the highest 10 percent of the junior class as determined by GPA.
- Any graduating senior considered by the Faculty Committee to be outstanding in scholarship and musicianship, provided the student has been in residence the equivalent of at least four semesters and ranks not lower than the highest 20 percent of the graduating class.
Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) is an international music fraternity for women. The SAI Manual for Members states that fraternity, which comes from the Latin feminine noun fraternitas, refers to both men and women. All the music fraternities have used it for many years.
The Eta Mu chapter was installed at The Hartt School in 1987. Since that time, its members have sought to promote an interest in music within the chapter, the school, and the community.